Tomasz Kondracki, docteur en médecine, chirurgien- dentiste

DU de Prothèse Fixée et d’Implantologie - Université Paris VI
Ancien attaché á l’Institut de Stomatologie CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière á Paris
actuellement exerçant au cabinet 11, rue Dobra á Varsovie

Vous souhaite la bienvenue sur son site internet et vous invite à son exploration


1. The use of the retention bar system in the implantoprosthetic rehabilitation of totally edentulous arches. TPS 2010;4
2. Bridges inlays-onlays pour le traitement des édentements unitaires :formes cliniques. Analyse comparative

T. Kondracki, J.-L. Pigot, M. Machureau. Les cahiers de prothèse 2009 ; 145


The indications and the functions of the stress breaker in the form of the rigid occlusal tappet support in the constructions of fixed bridges. TPS 2009;7-8

4. The single-implant restorations and the conventional inlay-onlay bridges as the prosthetic treatment of single missing teeth –

the comparative analysis of the indications. dr n. med T. Kondracki , dr hab. n. med. Maria Gołębiewska Implantoprotetyka 2009;3 (36)

5. The patients’ claims after dental treatment and the dentists professional responsibility. The ethical and medicolegal issues. TPS


6. The prosthetic treatment of single missing teeth with conventional inlay-onlay bridges and the single-implant restorations -

5-years clinical follow – up study. dr n. med T. Kondracki , dr hab. n. med. Maria Gołębiewska Implantoprotetyka


7. The complications and failures in the implantprosthetic rehabilitations.TPS 2008;9
8. The clinical performance and the conditions for successful treatment of all-ceramic zirconium crowns. TPS 2008;5
9. The conventional inlay-onlay bridges as an alternative treatment to single – implant supported restoration. TPS 2007;4
10. The clinical performance and the conditions for successful treatment of galvanic crowns.TPS 2007;10
11. The actual therapeutic solutions in the prosthetic treatment of single missing teeth.TPS 2006;11
12. Prevention procedures and dental care of the patients with the cardiopathies involving infectious endocarditis. T.Kondracki ,P.

Kralisz Magazyn Medyczny 2002;2

13. Principles for single-implant supported restorations of the multiradicular tooth Quintessence Periodontologia-Implanty

2002; 3.

14. Lakermance’s inlay-onlay in « Y » form – prosthetic solution in the rehabilitation of single anterior missing tooth. Les cahiers

de prothèse 2002;118.

15. Mac Boyle’s bridge – an alternative treatment to single – implant supported restoration in the posterior sides of dental arc.

Quintessence dla lekarzy stomatologów 2002;1.

16. The spring cantilever bridges – the treatment of single missing teeth in anterior region of the maxillae. Case report.

Quintessence dla lekarzy stomatologów 2001;5.

17. The single missing tooth: prosthetics restorations by inlay-onlay bridges and single implant supported crowns. Parameters of

the choice. Mémoire pour le titre d’Assistant Etranger.Université Pierre et Marie Curie ParisVI, Faculté de

Médecine Pitié-Salpètrière 2001, Paris.

18. The comparative state of oral hygiene in patients’ populations from Poland and France. A.Pawlik, T.Kondracki Magazyn Stomatologiczny 1997;6(71)


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